Max + Fio
I met Max and Fio at Arches National Park in Moab Utah! It was my first time ever going to Moab and about a place!! The red and Orange tones are a photographers dream! Max + Fio had just recently gotten engaged so this session was a fun mini engagement session! This was also there first time in Moab as well.
Going into this session I knew I wanted to really capture their love but also feature the gorgeous Moab scenery. We scouted out a spot in arches that was a little more private so we could really just enjoy the session! I don't know about you but the thought of doing a session with new people, in a new spot, crowded by others just isn't a vibe lol! These two were the sweetest things ever. They had that young love going on that people dream about experiencing! I can not wait to go back to Utah and hopefully get to run into these two again!