Jenny Lake Engagement Session
This session was FIREEEEE y'all!!!! This was the third session that we did at the Teton retreat I went to! This was also my first styled shoot that I have attended. If they are all like this...then sign me up for every. single. one. I love how styled sessions give you so much freedom and creativity to play around with. You really can focus on new ideas that you've been wanting to try, or perfect something that you have been struggling with in real sessions. The Tetons also really help that creativity fly not going to lie lol! So here I am in the Tetons at 6am. I am in Jenny lake, it's picturesque how still and serene it is. We are the only ones out. You can literally feel the love between these two!
Something funny that happened during this session was a crazy weird growling noise that kept happening over and over! We had nooo idea what is was, and in the wilderness we can only imagine what it could have been lol! We decided to wrap up and head back as the park was starting to get a little crowded anyway. One thing to note about any national park...GET THERE EARLY!!! like crack of dawn early...especially if you are doing photos! It definitely stinks getting up so early but it will be worth it having the park to yourself!