Meet Brooke + Tanner
This session was seriously to die for y'all!! The location we chose is one of my all time favorites for many many reason. French Park is such a gem in Ohio that I found a few years ago when I was a nanny! This was the first park I really started shooting at right when I began my journey into photography. French park slowly just become one of my favorites the more and more I was diving into photography. The versatility of this location really is what keeps me coming back! This park has EVERYTHING y'all...seriously. The fields are too die for, the pine trees here are amazing, and the endless endless greenery is just the cherry on top!! Now that we know all about this location lets learn about these bomb clients of mine!
Brooke and Tanner showed up for our session ready to rock and roll!! I had a pretty clear vision in mind about how I wanted this session to look. A few days before the shoot I had texted Brooke some outfit ideas I had in mind. I for some reason couldn't get the idea of a cute little dress/romper out of my head! Brooke is a fashion queen so of course she had exactly what I was looking for right in her closet! Of course we cant forget about the guys outfit thooooo! Tanner showed up and totally surprised me!! I loved his perfect balance of casual meets totally trendy. The outfits were lets get to a snappen them pics!
This was the first time I had met Brooke and Tanner. It was your typical social media story...we knew OF each other but didn't KNOW each other...if you catch my drift hahaha. From social media I could totally tell these two were in love...boy of boy was that an understatement!!! These two are filllllllled with love for each other. Love is spilling over the brim with these two! When couples show up who are just so in love AND lust its game over for my camera. I snapped probably 700 pictures of these guys. I am not even exaggerating either. hahaha.
Fast forward to about an easy job!! Every picture was just to perfect. It was like I had a vision in my head and everything worked out perfect! I spent like 4 hours editing these pictures right when I got home. I get soooo excited when a session turned out exactly how I wanted it to. I couldn't wait to send out the sneak peaks. Once those were out I just couldn't stop myself from editing away! Delivering this session was one of my more proud moments of my journey so far. I am just is dang proud of how everything turned out.
This session really set me on fire inspiration wise. I have so many so many. I cant want to start executing all my ideas and really see them come to life!